Beth yw Seren?
Seren yw menter flaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n cefnogi dysgwyr mwy galluog a thalentog mewn ysgolion a cholegau ar draws Cymru i gael mynediad at gyfleoedd addysg uwch o ansawdd yng Nghymru, y DU a ledled y byd.
Mae Seren yn cynnwys y meysydd cymorth gwahanol canlynol i bobl ifanc ledled Cymru: Academi Seren, Sylfaen Seren, Seren International, a Chyn-fyfyrwyr Seren.
Mentrau wedi'u creu a'u cyflawni ar gyfer Seren
Ysgol Haf Ryngwladol Ar-lein Seren
Wedi’i greu o ganlyniad i bandemig COVID-19, cofrestrodd menter Ysgol Haf Ryngwladol Ar-lein Seren, a adeiladwyd mewn partneriaeth â Choleg Iesu ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen, dros 100 o ddysgwyr yn 2020 a 300 o ddysgwyr yn 2021. Yn 2022, mae Ysgol Haf Ar-lein Ryngwladol Seren yn cefnogi 400 o ddysgwyr ledled Cymru.
Partneriaeth Ysgolheigion Byd-eang Ifanc Seren-Yale (YYGS)
Ers 2018, trwy ysgoloriaeth ar y cyd a sefydlwyd rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru ac YYGS ym Mhrifysgol Iâl, mae 116 o ddysgwyr chweched dosbarth Cymru wedi mynychu rhaglen breswyl Ysgolheigion Byd-eang Iâl yn New Haven, UDA, neu ei rhaglen ar-lein.
Ysgoloriaeth Ysgol Haf Seren Harvard
Yn 2019, cefnogwyd 23 o ddysgwyr Seren i fynd i Ysgol Haf Harvard ar y campws ym Mhrifysgol Harvard yng Nghaergrawnt, Massachusetts, UDA.
Ychydig o ffigurau
Everyone who ran Seren International Online was so enthusiastic about the programme and it added structure to my life. There was academic challenge but it wasn’t stressful.
Carla Seren International Online 2020 studentI was particularly impressed with the Seren International Online programme as it provided consistent, useful content over a long period. I feel the most prepared I have ever been for making my university applications after this programme.
James Seren International Online studentFirst of all I wanted to say diolch because [the summer school is] bound to be the highlight of the COVID months and it beats internships I’ve done in the past. Needless to say there are some brilliant sixth formers here in Wales. It’s right up my alley and I’d be very pleased to work with you all again.”
Tomos Wood University of Cambridge“The Seren International Online programme was the most ambitious summer programme delivered in Jesus College’s 450 year history. I’m delighted that the programme was such a success for Seren students, our instructors and for the College! We look forward to working with Seren, Equal and other partners to expand and improve the programme further.”
Dr Matthew Williams Access Fellow, Jesus College, University of OxfordThe connections I made were deep and unexpected; I keep in contact with almost everyone I met at YYGS Connect. I am sure I speak for all the Seren students when I say that this has been a truly trajectory-altering experience. My esteem and confidence have risen massively, allowing me to reach my potential.”
James Seren-YYGS studentThe diversity and complete unfamiliarity of the content was incredible, and I’ve never experienced anything like it. My YYGS experience was second-to-none. I cannot describe the love I had of it, and the confidence it gave me. I would say that, wherever possible, [Seren] should continue to offer this opportunity. I feel so much more prepared for university study. I realised that I was good enough to go to a top academic institution and that there will be people there who are like me, which I haven’t always found in high school. It also made me realise what the subject I want to study at university was by introducing me to a range of disciplines, and my aspirations have been raised dramatically.”
Katie Seren-YYGS student