01792 277686 | 01554 777749 | 02920 697129
  • Cymraeg
  • Join us on Thursday, 27th June 2024 at Cardiff and Vale College, Dumballs Road, Cardiff for:

    Write Here, Write Now: Mastering Academic Writing in Further Education



    Are you an Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales or Extended Project Qualification deliverer?

    Are you looking to embed academic writing into your vocational programme? 

    Are you a practitioner looking to upskill in your own academic delivery? 


    Please register to join us for our Write Here, Write Now: Mastering Academic Writing in Further Education professional development workshop on Thursday 27th June 2024 at Cardiff and Vale College. 

    To register for this free event, please click here.

    Spaces are limited to 3 delegates per college on a first come first serve basis, so please register as soon as possible. Registrations close on Friday 14th June 2024.



    In collaboration with Pembrokeshire College, Equal Education Partners secured funding from Taith to send a delegation of Further Education colleagues from across Wales on a collaborative visit to University of Florida to develop a series of resources and workshops around academic writing and research. The purpose of this project is to enhance learner outcomes at FE level by working to further develop learners’ skills around academic writing and research. 

    This professional development workshop is open to representatives from further education colleges across Wales.


    Outline of the day

    9:30am Arrival

    10am Welcome and introduction

    10:30am Writing across the disciplines

    11:30am On the write path: Research and methodology

    12:30pm Lunch

    13:15pm Academic reading: Skimming, scanning, synthesising

    14:15pm Perfecting peer review

    15:15pm Conclusion, questions and feedback


    Workshops on the day are designed for practitioners, and can be adapted for all disciplines, qualifications, and levels.

    For more information, please email Rebecca Booker (Senior Associate for International Partnerships, Equal Education Partners):