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  • Cymraeg
  • As the academic year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to express a huge diolch to our teachers, tutors and to the schools who have entrusted us with their educational needs this year.

    Together, we have worked tirelessly to ensure the best possible learning environments for students, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity for Equal to be part of your educational journeys.

    A year of collaboration

    At Equal Education Partners, we believe in the power of collaboration and the incredible impact it can have on the education sector. The past academic year has been one of even greater collaboration for Equal, building new partnerships with schools, colleges and universities across Wales and around the world to continue to innovate and deliver the best possible opportunities, experiences and inspiration to learners across Wales.

    There are many particular personal highlights, from welcoming the amazing MIT Global Teaching Labs Wales programme instructors to Wales in January, to our innovative tutoring partnership with Cardiff and Vale College and securing Taith funding in collaboration with Pembrokeshire College to send a delegation to Welsh teachers to the University of Florida. It’s been truly exciting to see plans develop and come to fruition.

    I’m also incredibly proud that Equal has earned a place on the Welsh Government’s national recruitment framework across all 22 Welsh local authorities for the next four years. The tireless work of our Recruitment team allowed this to become a reality, and this will allow us to continue to provide an excellent service to both our teachers and to schools for the years ahead.


    Looking forward

    During the summer period, Equal’s focus will continue to be on helping to support both teachers and students to grow their knowledge and experiences. Through our involvement in multiple projects, we will help provide valuable learnings to all including working with the Welsh Government’s Seren Network, facilitating the delivery of a range of summer schools to Wales’s brightest young people.

    The annual STEMHaus summer school in collaboration with Swansea University is always an exciting and innovative programme to be a part of, I’m also really excited to support the four Welsh delegates who are enrolled on the MIT Science & Engineering Program for Teachers to bring their learnings from the cutting edge of STEM teaching back to Wales to support delivery of the Science AoLE within the Curriculum for Wales. Be sure to follow our social channels on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with all our work over the summer!

    Our Recruitment team and I will also be working alongside Marketing colleagues to continue to grow our summer recruitment efforts, continuing to support our current and new teachers and teaching assistants to find rewarding roles for September. During this period, we are also committed to refining our services to all stakeholders, ensuring that our offerings at Equal Education Partners continue to be of the highest quality.

    I hope you enjoy the summer break and let’s get ready to go again in September!