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  • Cymraeg
  • In this blog, we break down the information shared at our second in-person professional learning session about the Additional Learning Needs Reform in Wales and the experiences of implementing the new legislation by Cwm Glas Primary School.

    What is the Additional Learning Needs Reform about?

    The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Reform is a statutory framework that has replaced the special educational learning needs (SEN) system and the system for supporting young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD).

    With this framework, the Welsh Government aims to ensure that all learners aged 0-25 with ALN are supported to overcome any barriers and achieve their full potential. 

    For more information read Part 1 of our blog series: Additional Learning Needs Reform: What the Changes Mean for Educators in Wales

    A young child sat at her desk in the classroom working

    What the Professional Learning Session Entailed 

    ALN is the responsibility of everyone working in a school/college setting. This session provides an example of how the ALN Reform has been implemented at Cwm Glas Primary, Swansea. 

    Cwm Glas will share their approach to translating legislation into practice in their context. This included examples of systems and processes, individual development plans (IDPs), early years provision, and creating calm classrooms as a universal offer. 


    Key Overviews

     Rebecca Edwards, Deputy Head and ALNCo at Cwm Glas Primary School, Swansea discussed the following points:

    • Tips on how to develop an inclusive classroom environment
    • Definitions of different types of provision: universal provision, targeted provision, specialist provision
    • The importance of universal provision
    • Practical strategies for the classroom in the following areas: cognition & learning; communication & interaction; physical & sensory, and emotional, social & behavioural
    • An example of additional learning provision (ALP) at Cwm Glas Primary: ‘Little Acorns’

    Global Teaching Labs student participating in classroom activity

    Online Professional Learning Courses Available 

    Did you miss out on our first professional learning session explaining the legislation changes? Not to worry! You can catch up by completing our ALN Reform eLearning course on Equal Education Partners Academy!

    You can also request a copy of the presentation slides. Email Lindsey indicating your interest at lindsey.dawson@equaleducationpartners.com