As an FE lecturer in Wales, you will understand the importance of developing strong academic writing skills in your students across all subjects. Following our latest Partnerships team collaboration, funded by Taith, we are excited to introduce Write Here, Write Now, a resource hub designed to enhance your teaching methods and improve learner outcomes.

Write Here, Write Now’s aims and objectives

This initiative provides valuable tools and insights to help you guide your students towards success in their academic writing and research work, improving performance in their Welsh Baccalaureate and extended project qualifications to better prepare learners for Higher Education, develop critical thinking skills and support independent learning.


Mobility visit to the University of Florida

Through collaboration with a leading expert at the University of Florida (UF)’s University Writing Programme, Dr Matthew Jones, the delegation spent a total of 5 days on a mobility visit to UF.

On the collaborative visit, the delegation from Wales worked with Dr. Matthew Jones and his colleagues at UF’s University Writing Programme to undertake a variety of activities. These included:

  • Problem-solving discussions regarding the challenges faced by Welsh learners regarding academic writing;
  • Contextual understanding of the work of the University Writing Programme;
  • Best practice techniques, approaches and structures for improving academic writing amongst learners;
  • Resource development; and
  • Workshop planning


Find out more information about UF’s University Writing Programme

On the delegation’s return Equal facilitated aone day workshop to share the ideas and learnings with the wider teaching community.

We received incredible feedback for the workshop for its practical insights, hands-on activities, and collaborative atmosphere. Effective strategies were shared, and the delegates demonstrated how to integrate the new resources into various curricula. Participants left equipped with actionable techniques to enhance their teaching of academic writing, making the workshop a resounding success!



Lasting impact

The mobility visit left a lasting impact on the delegation. Reflecting on his experience, Andrew Bond of Bridgend College said:

“It was inspirational. The visit has invigorated me and the way that I have perceived academic writing and research. The trip has shown me some of the potential in terms of teaching and learning. We had full access to staff and students. This meant we were able to fully immerse ourselves in the programme for the week to understand the context, content and structures.”

Emma Williams of CAVC highlighted her experience of observing lessons throughout the mobility visit:

“It broadened my understanding of how a centralized writing support program could be helpful on a cross-curricular level, alongside the teaching of main qualifications.”


Michelle Griffiths of Pembrokeshire College added:

“Being able to see the layers to the programme and the thought processes behind it has reinforced the need for thoughtful curriculum planning. As a practitioner who has never ventured outside of Wales for CPD, this reinvigorated me as a professional.”


Join the Write Here, Write Now community

Now, these experiences and insights are at your fingertips through Write Here, Write Now. The platform offers a wealth of resources developed from this successful collaboration.

Whether you are looking for lesson plans, peer review guides and prompts and much more Write Here, Write Now is your go to hub!

Used the resources with your students to achieve great results? Share this with us! You can either send an email to the team or tag us in a social media post – we love the feedback!


What is Taith

Taith stands as Wales’ leading international learning exchange initiative, fostering transformative opportunities for individuals to engage in learning, studying, and volunteering across the globe.


Looking ahead

Following an extremely successful experience for all involved through this Taith Pathway 2 project, Equal Education Partners looks forward to working with Taith again to connect learners and educators in Wales with institutions and leading experts across the world.


Want to be the first to know about our future projects? Get in touch with the team today