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  • Cymraeg
  • In 2021, 39 Seren learners from across Wales will be taking part in Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) through a highly unique co-funded Seren-YYGS Partnership.
    YYGS is an academic enrichment program for outstanding high school students from around the world. Each summer, students from over 130 countries participate in one interdisciplinary, two-week course at Yale’s historic campus. Since 2020, YYGS has been delivered online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    YYGS emphasises an open, exploratory, and collaborative approach to learning. The program is designed to allow students to experience learning in a variety of different university contexts, from large lectures to small seminars.
    Students who attend YYGS enrol in one of the following four interdisciplinary academic tracks:
    • Innovations in Science & Technology (IST)
    • Literature, Philosophy & Culture (LPC)
    • Politics, Law & Economics (PLE)
    • Solving Global Challenges (SLC)
    For more information about YYGS, go to globalscholars.yale.edu