01792 277686 | 01554 777749 | 02920 697129
  • Cymraeg
  • Following the success of the Seren International Online Summer School programmes in 2020 and 2021, the Welsh
    Government is supporting the expansion of the programme to work with up to 400 of Wales’ brightest A Level students in July 2022.

    Student feedback from 2021:

    “The number of sessions on offer over the two weeks was far greater than I’d expected… From
    subject specific lectures and seminars, to Q&A sessions with student representatives from
    different universities, to a morning session where we played an online drawing version of Chinese
    Whispers! Being able to present our work to an expert panel at the end of the programme was also
    a particular highlight for me.”

    “It has made me a much more motivated learner. I am much more excited for university now so I
    am more driven to work even harder – utilising the skills I have learnt in the summer school.”


    2022 Overview
    In 2022, the Seren International Online Summer School will be delivered collaboratively by Jesus College at the University of Oxford and Equal Education Partners on behalf of the Welsh Government’s Seren Academy.
    The programme will consist of four subject streams, as follows:
    1. Humanities

    2. Maths, physics and life sciences

    3. Medicine and biomedical sciences

    4. Social sciences and law

    The programme will involve lectures delivered by top academics, seminars & workshops facilitated and taught by instructors from top Welsh, other UK and global universities, tutorials, information, advice & guidance (IAG) sessions and other activities.


    Opportunities for students and recent graduates from Welsh, other UK and global universities

    Jesus College at the University of Oxford and Equal Education Partners are now seeking to recruit a team of up to 15 instructors, made up of highly motivated individuals from top universities in Wales, across the UK and around the world, to teach seminars and contribute to other activities to enrich the 2022 Seren International Online Summer School programme. Interested applicants should apply using the following link: https://equaleducation.typeform.com/to/QmFTMORx


    Role details:

    • Job Title: Summer School Student Instructor/Seminar Leader
    • Dates: 18th — 29th July 2022
    • Pay: £10.65 per hour (National Living Wage plus holiday pay)
    • Commitment: 16 hours/week for three weeks
    • Eligibility: This position is open to undergraduate students, postgraduate students and recent graduates of all disciplines. (Offers will be contingent on a full DBS check being obtained)



    • Prepare and deliver academically appropriate, interesting and engaging lessons & workshops to
      contribute to the academic programme within one or more of the four subject streams available
      as part of the programme;
    • Support learners to engage and explore the content of lectures delivered by academics;
    • Support learners with the formation of their summer school project (written essays or
    • Support the project delivery team in assessing and providing feedback on written essays and
    • Contribute to the additional (non-academic) components of the project e.g. information, advice
      & guidance sessions, student panels, virtual university tours, mentoring etc.;
    • Work collaboratively with other instructors and the project delivery team; and
    • Other reasonable relevant duties as required


    Application Process
    Please apply by completing the following application form no later than 5pm, 28th January 2022:
    https://equaleducation.typeform.com/to/QmFTMORx (English)
    https://equaleducation.typeform.com/to/tjeiBuq3 (Cymraeg)


    Contact Details
    For more information about this opportunity, please contact Rebecca Martin or Lois Williams at
    Equal Education Partners:

    Rebecca Martin
    Project Manager
    Equal Education Partners


    Lois Williams
    Project Manager
    Equal Education Partners


    +44 1554 777749 / +44 2920 697129