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  • Cymraeg
  • On behalf of the Welsh Government, Equal Education Partners will continue to deliver the Global Teaching Labs in Wales.

    The Global Teaching Labs (GTL) in Wales programme is uniquely impactful and transformative, bringing expert STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) instructors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to schools and colleges across Wales. 

    Through this partnership initiative, the Welsh Government, MIT and Equal Education Partners aim to enhance engagement with STEM subjects by exploring real-world issues. This programme aims to empower learners to achieve their full potential in and beyond the classroom.

    “It inspires the learners to delve outside the confinements of a ‘small town’ mentality and realise that actually, they have valid views and opinions that are acknowledged by academics from MIT – this gives them a huge boost in confidence and in their own ability.” – Educators in Wales

    The programme has been designed to:

    • Increase engagement with STEM subjects
    • Improve interdisciplinary and project-based learning in line with the New Curriculum for Wales
    • Raise aspirations among pupils across Wales
    • Provide opportunities for cultural immersion and exchange

    The initiative also facilitates Professional Learning and international engagement for Wales’ teaching profession and is a catalyst for inter-school collaboration regionally and nationally. More recently, the programme has been developed further also to support the Welsh Government’s Catch Up, Recover & Rebuild objectives put in place due to the impact of COVID-19 on learners’ progress.’

    The Minister for Education and the Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, said: “I am delighted that learners in Wales will once again get the opportunity to learn from students of one of the world’s most prestigious universities when the Global Teaching Labs programme returns to in-person delivery in January 2023. The importance of science and technology cannot be overstated, and this programme provides an excellent opportunity to enhance learners’ engagement with STEM subjects in an impactful and interdisciplinary way, in keeping with the vision for the new Curriculum for Wales.”


    Applications open on the 12th of September for schools and colleges in Wales to get involved with this initiative with a deadline for applications on the 16th of October 2022. 

    “GTL Wales was an incredible, enriching experience that changed the way I view teaching. Working with the students and seeing them get excited about STEM makes me hopeful for the future and I know that the skills I developed through GTL will serve me well beyond the duration of the program” – MIT Instructor 

    Previously there had been a highly successful delivery of in-person and digital versions of the programme. Therefore, GTL in Wales will continue as a hybrid programme with in-person delivery programmed in January 2023 with continued online components throughout the academic year such as the successful Speaker series panel discussions. This hybrid model is intended to maximise the initiative’s reach, inclusivity and longevity.

    For more information visit https://gtlwales.online/

    To apply, contact Rebecca Martin, Senior Project Manager for International Partnerships at Equal Education Partners: rebecca.martin@equaleducationpartners.com