01792 277686 | 01554 777749 | 02920 697129
  • Cymraeg
  • Our teaching & learning support staff members will be supported by flexible furlough pay through the CJRS while schools remain closed

    While schools remain closed, many of our supply teachers and learning support staff members are significantly impacted financially. As a result, we have reinstated our Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for all eligible staff members for the duration of school closures. Under the current CJRS regulations, we are able to flexibly furlough staff as and when work is or is not available for them. This allows us to provide work when it is available without staff members having to forego furlough pay in its entirety, providing crucial support where it’s needed and also ensuring that it always pays to work.

    Should you have any queries about this or if you’d like to work with Equal Education Partners, the ethical all-Wales teaching agency, please get in touch with us on 01554 777749, 01792 277686 or 02920 697129, or email hello@equaleducationpartners.com