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  • Cymraeg
  • In November, our Professional Learning Team ran two in-person training sessions on recent reforms to Additional Learning Needs (ALN) legislation in Wales for members of our teaching & learning support team in Swansea.

    These sessions were led by Neil Thomas, Managing Director for Teaching & Learning, and Lindsey Dawson, Senior Associate for STEM & Professional Learning, with one session held at Equal’s Llanelli office and the other kindly hosted by Cwm Glas Primary School. One team member in attendance said the sessions was “totally informative regarding ALN reform and how it differs from before.” 

    The sessions were aimed at all teaching and learning support staff working with Equal in any setting where they might be required to support learners with Additional Learning Needs. During the sessions, Lindsey & Neil focused on supporting education professionals to understand what the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) reforms would mean for each individual educator in their specific context.

    Lindsey and Neil presented on key aspects of the new legislation and explained how it will impact teachers and teaching assistants in Wales in line with the New Curriculum. After this, they gave all attendees an opportunity to collaborate and share their experiences, which was very well received.

    Lindsey Dawson, Senior Associate STEM & Professional Learning, said “The session was about the new ALN reform in Wales and provided staff with key information about legislation changes in Wales, focusing on the impact of this on their day-to-day work in schools, colleges or pupil referral units. Without this training, it can be difficult for supply staff to receive information regarding changes like this, especially if they are on short-term placements. We hope to ensure that supply staff feel supported with any changes in education through the training we provide and this is just one example of that.

    These live sessions form part of a three pillar Professional Learning offering provided free of charge to all education professionals working with Equal Education Partners. Our PL offering includes live sessions, mentoring & coaching and on demand courses via our online platform – the Equal Education Partners Academy (contact us to gain access today).


    To learn more about how you can benefit from Equal’s professional learning opportunities click here or contact Lindsey by emailing lindsey.dawson@equaleducationpartners.com