At Equal Education Partners, we pride ourselves on creating a culture that not only drives educational impact but also one that supports our team members in making a difference to causes they care about.


One of the ways we do this is through our company’s volunteering day initiative, which allows our staff to spend time contributing to organisations and charities close to their hearts.

Georgia fisher of the Recruitment team on her volunteering day


Recently, Georgia from our Recruitment team took advantage of this opportunity to volunteer at Many Tears Animal Rescue, a local charity dedicated to rescuing and rehoming abandoned and neglected animals. Georgia has a personal connection to Many Tears and was excited to lend a hand.


Georgia reflected on her day volunteering: “Volunteering at Many Tears Animal Rescue was an absolute pleasure! From the moment I arrived, I felt a sense of purpose knowing that I was helping such a deserving cause. Throughout the day, I worked on cleaning the dog kennels to ensure the animals had a clean and comfortable space, I helped tidy up their shop to support their fundraising efforts, and, of course, spent time giving the animals all the love and cuddles they deserve.

It was a truly rewarding experience to see the positive impact a bit of extra help can have on the charity. I’m so grateful to the leadership team at Equal for providing me with the time and opportunity to contribute to something I care deeply about. I had such a great time, and I’m already looking forward to volunteering again!”


Georgia’s experience highlights what makes our volunteering programme so special. By offering this time, we ensure our team members have the opportunity to engage with the causes that matter to them.

Huw Jones, Director of Recruitment at Equal stated: “Giving back to our local community has been central to our ethos since day one. We firmly believe that when our team thrives both personally and professionally, they are in a stronger position to help us fulfil our mission of delivering high-quality educational services and making a meaningful impact across Wales and beyond.

Supporting causes close to the hearts of our staff, like Georgia’s recent work with Many Tears Animal Rescue, is a vital part of how we live out these values.”


We’re so proud of Georgia for her dedication and for epitomising the spirit of Equal, we look forward to sharing more of our staff’s amazing stories supporting local charities!