01792 277686 | 01554 777749 | 02920 697129
  • Cymraeg
  • Equal Education Partners has been successfully awarded to the Welsh Government’s new framework for the provision of staff to schools across Wales!

    We have been successful in gaining a place as a recommended provider across every one of Wales’ 22 Local Education Authority areas. This means that we’ll be able to work with many more schools and teaching professionals across Wales. This is a significant positive development for schools, teaching professionals and fully-compliant and accredited education recruitment providers in Wales.

    Through the new framework, schools and teachers will no longer be strongly encouraged by local authorities and the National Procurement Service to work exclusively with one provider, but rather will be given a choice of accredited providers to work with, including Equal Education.

    We are optimistic about the potential for this to have a significant positive impact in the following ways:

    1. Giving schools a true choice of compliant, accredited providers to work with
    2. Improving supply teachers’ pay & conditions
    3. Raising standards of teaching and learning in schools
    4. Improving the standards of vetting & compliance of supply staff across Wales
    5. Supporting the retention of excellent individuals within the teaching profession

    We’ll be posting more information about the new framework and what it means for teaching professionals and schools over the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to discuss what this means for you, please do get in touch with us by phone or email.

    As a result of this and other exciting developments, this summer is an exciting time to join Equal in our office and teaching teams! Please get in touch with us on 01554 777749 for more information about joining Equal Education Partners!