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  • The Welsh Government Legislation Keeping Learners Safe, lays out the safeguarding and child protection laws that must be followed by all schools, colleges, governing bodies and local authorities in Wales. This blog breaks down sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the legislation.

    Keeping Learners Safe Guidance 

    The guidance sets out things that schools and colleges:

    • Must do because it’s the law; and,
    • Should do because it’s part of this guidance.

    The summary of the guidance divides into eight sections:

    1. About Safeguarding in Wales
    2. Safeguarding Roles and Responsibilities
    3. Responding to Concerns
    4. Safeguarding in specific circumstances
    5. Domestic abuse, gender-based violence, sexual violence and harmful cultural practices
    6. Keeping Children Safe Online 
    7. Community Cohesion 
    8. Safer Staff Recruitment Practice

    This blog is part 3 of a 3-part series about the Guidance Keeping Learners Safe. This blog will focus on sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the guidance. Read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE

    A child, head in hands on the floor of a classroom

    Safeguarding in specific circumstances

    It is vital that everyone working within the organisation knows how to spot the signs of a child at risk of harm, neglect or abuse so they can follow the organisations safeguarding policy and procedures in order to raise their concerns. 

    Here are all of the Wales Practice Guides:

    Keeping Learners Safe also lists different safeguarding scenarios as well as the guidance schools and colleges should reference for these circumstances. The list Includes:

    • Peer-on-peer abuse and harmful sexual behaviour
    • Child abuse images and the internet 
    • Children missing from home or care 
    • Bullying 
    • Hate Crime 
    • Inclusion and pupil support 
    • Children missing from education 
    • Looked-after children 
    • Substance misuse
    • Suicide and self-harm 
    • Physical contact with pupils, including restraint 

    Pages 13, 14 and 15 of Keeping Learners Safe have a full list of links and resources available to help staff to safeguard children in each of these circumstances. 


    A young boy listening to his parents fight from behind the wall

    Domestic abuse, gender-based violence, sexual violence and harmful cultural practices

    Domestic Abuse

    The Welsh Government has several guides to help educators better understand domestic abuse including:

    It is vital that schools and colleges talk about domestic abuse to help children and young people recognise it as inappropriate behaviour. If teachers or staff have any concerns that a child or their family may be experiencing domestic abuse, they should contact the DSP immediately. 

    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage

    Staff and teachers should be aware that girls may be taken abroad for FGM and know the signs of FGM. There is guidance available at: 

    For instances of Forced Marriage, there is step-by-step advice available at multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage.

    Two girls recording a dance on their phone

    Keeping Children Safe Online 

    There is an area of Hwb, Keeping Safe Online which has online tools and resources to aid schools and colleges in keeping learners safe online. Other resources include:

    Live-streaming lessons 

    Advice and guidance for keeping children and young people safe when live-streaming lessons can be found here:

    Sharing images 

    The sharing of intimate imagery can result in the embarrassment, bullying and exploitation of those pictured. There is guidance and advice available at: 

    Childline has developed report and remove, a tool which allows young people to report an image and get it removed from the internet. 

    A young man grabbing the other by the shirt in a threatening way

    Community Cohesion 


    Part of safeguarding includes stopping radicalisation of children and young people. Schools and colleges should be aware that there are several factors that can influence a vulnerable child’s interests and there are certain changes in behaviour to look out for. Where ideologies are apparent the DSP should be contacted. 

    It is vital that all safeguarding policies cover radicalisation and extremism. More guidance is available at: 

    The Referral Form 

    If the DSP thinks a child is at risk of radicalisation, they should use the All Wales Partners Prevent Referral Form.

    A young man grabbing a young woman by the arm during an argument

    Safer Staff Recruitment Practice

    Legally all teaching and support staff must be registered with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) if they are in one of the registration categories. Education establishments must check this before they employ anyone. 

    Supply cover 

    Schools and colleges are encouraged to use supply agencies on the National Procurement Service framework. The DBS status of supply teachers must be checked by both the agency and the school or college, neither should assume the check has been a=carried out by the other organisation. Supply staff must also be registered with the EWC. 


    All Governing bodies should have a whistleblowing policy in place. Guidance is available at:


    The full summary of Keeping Learners Safe is available here

    Read parts 1 and 2 of the blog series.


    How Can Training in Safeguarding Help you in your Role

    If you work with children and young people, you are responsible for keeping those in your care safe from harm. Our safeguarding course on our Equal Academy covers types of abuse, reporting a concern, and how best to deal with disclosures from learners.

    This course has been developed by two of Equal’s team members. One who was an ex primary school headteachers with many years experience as a Designed Safeguarding Person, and the other who is Equal’s Designed Safeguarding Person and is a practicing secondary school teacher in Wales.

    Our safeguarding course is completely free of charge for all Equal staff members!